
The magic words in North Carolina in child custody trials are "孩子的最大利益." It is part of the Mission Statement of this Firm to protect the best interests of the children. It is generally best for children if parents agree on a custodial schedule through negotiation 和 mediation. 皇冠足彩网的皇冠足彩律师 我能和你一起回顾一下这个过程吗.

如果不能达成协议, 在听完所有证据之后, a judge must decide which spouse will make the major decisions affecting the child's life 和 will provide the child's day-to-day residential supervision. 除非在特殊情况下, the noncustodial spouse will receive substantial visitation privileges with the child. Rarely is a noncustodial spouse given less than alternate weekends, one-half of the school holidays 和 several weeks in the summer. 没有假定的探视时间表, 和 the court welcomes mutually agreeable visitation settlements.

If you file with the court for custody in 皇冠足彩网 or any other court in North Carolina, you are going to have to go to court ordered mediation with the court’s mediator to discuss how to settle your case in the best interests of the children. 我们的家庭法律专家在皇冠足彩网服务, 高点, Asheboro 和 surrounding areas have the experience to guide you in this process. You probably are going to have to go to parenting classes as well. See the reference to the Family Life Council at the end of this section.

T在这里 is a growing trend in North Carolina for shared residential parenting, possibly because of the societal trend of both parents working. Some of the typical shared parenting residential patterns are as follows: 1) every other week with each parent; 2) the two-two-three pattern; for example, mom might have every Monday 和 Tuesday overnight; Dad might have every Wednesday 和 Thursday overnight; the parents would alternate Friday, 周六, 周日晚上. 3) Executive parent plan: every Thursday overnight with the executive (traveling) parent 和 alternate Friday, 周六和周日晚上. 4) Any plan that works for the parents will likely work for the children.

这是卡罗琳J. 伍德乐夫, 北卡罗来纳州家庭法专家, that the Child Support Guidelines create in certain instances a view toward “money” (ie child support owed or to be received) in custody cases rather than the best interests of the children. 例如, a parent needs 123 overnights to receive treatment under Worksheet B of the North Carolina Child Support Guidelines. As a payor, being on Worksheet B generally reduces your child support. As a receiver of child support, being on Worksheet B generally reduces the amount you receive. The experienced family law 和 divorce attorneys at 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 in 皇冠足彩网 在你的情况下,我能就这些问题给你建议吗, but please keep the best interests of your children at the forefront.

Both child custody 和 child support are issues that can be raised at any time during the child's minority. Either spouse can petition the court to change its prior order of custody or support, based on a showing by the moving party that circumstances have changed materially.

Children's 皇冠足彩 Society of North Carolina hosts a course called "Parenting Under Two Roofs®." This course helps divorcing parents learn how to cooperate better to keep conflict away from their children. 呼叫 336-553-1281 了解更多信息. The course is currently offered online 和 t在这里 is a small fee to attend. For the upcoming class schedule or to register, visit the 网站.

You may also download the course 和 registration information 在这里.


They make underst和ing easy 和 they are very personable 和 patient. From the first time I called to make an appointment everyone has gone above 和 beyond for me 和 has been very generous. April 17th was my last in- firm visit 和 on the way home I received a phone call from them asking if I'd like to have four free tickets to the next Grasshoppers game. (把这个打出来我都起鸡皮疙瘩了.) I was 和 still am so happy that they thought of me 和 my family. The following 周六 myself, my parents 和 my two year old son went to the game. 他很喜欢! It was his first game, we stayed the whole time 和 he said "more" when the fireworks were over. I wouldn’t have been able to share that experience with my son had they not thought of me 和 offered me free tickets.

Considering the circumstances that got me to this law firm, 我很高兴我选择了他们,并感谢他们所有人. I would recommend them to anyone who needed the services!
